SU '13

SU elections: Voting day in pictures

April 3, 2013

Polling stations are now open and candidates are still out around campus trying to get your votes. Voting will reopen tomorrow from 10am to 5pm. Photo Credit: Rachel McLaughlin

SU '13

What you are voting for

April 3, 2013

With election time closing in – so close it’s actually today – it’s voting time. Turnout in DCU has traditionally been low, which makes it all the more important to get your vote in today. Read more…

SU '13

Laura Rice on her plans for next year

April 3, 2013

Laura is a third year Communications student and is running for Vice President for Welfare. If elected, Laura wants to deal with the “nitty gritty” topics of sexual awareness during SHAG week. There are certain Read more…


Foods can be deceiving

April 3, 2013

As many of us know, the right and wrongs of food can send your head into a spin. As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with so called ‘expert opinions’ on what and how much to eat Read more…


5 years of Clap-Trap and more to follow.

April 3, 2013

A manager does not have to be liked to be successful. On the contrary, many of the touchline predators we canonise hold characteristics akin to a beast: snarling, brooding, ruthless and scaly. Ok, probably not Read more…


Grrrl Talk: An Interview with Kate Nash

April 3, 2013

“Kate Nash? Is she still going?” Probably the most common reaction to the announcement that an interview with Kate Nash would be appearing in this issue of Flux. “Ask her if she still eats so Read more…


Superfood of the week: Wild Salmon

April 3, 2013

You’re either into fish or you’re not. The smell of it is enough to put some people off and others just don’t even think of adding it into their diet; poultry and red meat is Read more…


When Celebs Attack: Stars Vs Paps

April 3, 2013

When Justin Bieber attacked a photographer earlier this month, there was uproar. The video went viral in a matter of hours and people were shocked that the baby-faced “Baby” singer even had it in him. Read more…


Review: Kate Nash – Girl Talk

April 3, 2013

“You’re trying to tell me sexism doesn’t exist? If it doesn’t exist, then what the fuck is this?” Some of the lyrics from “Rap For Rejection” the 11th track on Kate Nash’s Girl Talk. For Read more…


Let’s Talk About Sex: Well, why not?!

April 3, 2013

“Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant and die. Don’t have sex in the missionary position, don’t have sex standing up, just don’t do it, OK, promise? Now everybody take some rubbers.” In Ireland Read more…


Review: Identity Thief

April 3, 2013

We start off with a gullible idiot and a thief, but by the end of this slapstick movie we have two good friends brought together by a series of increasingly bizarre events. With a director Read more…


Review: Mmoths – Diaries EP

April 3, 2013

After a much acclaimed self-titled debut, Mmoths returns 12 months later with EP number two, Diaries. The title is comes from a collection of photographs taken by Jack Colleran (a.k.a Mmoths) during his time spent Read more…