
The Hidden Cost of Technology for Students

September 30, 2024

College is not easy. It’s academically rigorous, socially demanding, and certainly economically challenging, but it’s an utter privilege to be there. Okay, perhaps socially demanding is a stretch—the multiple nights out a week aren’t particularly stressful! But what’s not a stretch is the financial pressure that students and their parents are put through.  Read more…

DCU News

Grave Concerns: Opening Night

March 25, 2024

Grave Concerns, written and directed by Dom Byrne, brought its opening night audience on an emotional journey through dark comedy and a stellar story.  The play follows Matthew, played by Cameron Simpson, a Leaving Cert Read more…


What is Dyslexia?

February 16, 2024

Dyslexia, a learning disability, or a learning style? 1896 was the year the first case of dyslexia was discovered, thanks to a general practitioner called Pringle Morgan. The word dyslexia comes from the Latin word Read more…


We Should Enjoy Dublin…While We Have It

March 15, 2023

Startling projection would see much of Dublin submerged by 2100 Much of Dublin’s coastline will be submerged in 1.7m of water due to rising sea levels by the year 2100, according to a presentation at Read more…


Let’s talk about STIs: symptoms and testing

March 1, 2023

A 76% rise in sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates has been reported by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC). Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and genital herpes remain the most commonly recorded infections. Gonorrhoea had the highest increase Read more…


How is Ireland housing refugees and asylum seekers?

March 1, 2023

Slogans like #IrelandIsFull and #IrishLivesMatter have been sprawled across placards and waved at anti-immigration protests in Drimnagh, East Wall and Ballymun in recent weeks. While their accusations are fuelled by racism and xenophobia, protesters have Read more…


Crowd Crushes: A Crash Course

November 23, 2022

You are confined. Trying to dance in your own narrow sliver of space that you’ve managed to carve between the swarm of people squashed together. The person beside you crashes into your back. There is Read more…


LEAP CARD: Slashed fare and new upgrades?

September 28, 2022

September is, without a doubt, an expensive month. Rent, school supplies and textbooks are racking up extravagant bills, but with new TFI upgrades, transport is no longer an added worry for the 19–24 cohort. With Read more…


Did you manage to see the ‘fireball’?

September 28, 2022

Bright. Fast. Unusual. “I’ve never seen anything like that in my lifetime… it’s just a big ball of fire,” said Joseph Reid, a Dublin resident, when asked about the unusual sighting. Many people across Ireland Read more…