Business Convenor 2012/2013: Neil Mulhern

Neil Mulhern is a final year Marketing, Innovation and Technology student from County Dublin. He’s the current Business Convener and was a founding member of E-Soc.

How did you find the role of business convener?
It was great to be on the SU. It was a bit of a challenge but interesting at the same time.

What were your interactions with the class reps like?
Good and the class rep council was fine. On a personal level, some of the reps that I’d met were good but overall it was fine.

Did many students go to you directly when it came to academic or personal problems?
It was a small bit of a mix. There were some INTRA-related problems as well.  The odd student would come for help which was fine so overall it was a bit of a mix.

A recent survey by the college view reported that 7 out of 10 students didn’t know who their convener was. Do you think you made much of an impact on your students?
If I walked through the business school I guarantee that you would have more people stopping me.  I do realise that there’s a big problem with conveners. I don’t think the role is very defined in terms of what you do. I personally think it should be mapped out what exactly the role should do and I think there should be some accountability. I recommend that a small fee should be given to conveners so then they could be held responsible.

What advice would you give to next year’s Business Convener Alan Prendergast?
Make sure that the SU is tight from the start and that you know everybody and can communicate well with them. I felt that the sabbaticals this year were great. Set a meeting with class reps at least every month.


Finnian Curran

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