DCU News

DCU Students Drop Pens and Walk Out

October 17, 2024

A number of DCU students walked out of lectures in protest of government inaction on the rising financial costs of third level education. 
The walkout protest was one of many across the country. Read more…

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Live Results: 2024 DCUSU Election

March 25, 2024

15:15 – The quota has officially been hit & a new student union will be elected at 4pm today. 16:06 – The announcement is running late but the steps are incredibly busy with supporters. Most Read more…


Day One on the Campaign Trail

March 6, 2024

The second round of Student Union voting started with a bang, as the U building was flooded with colourful campaigning. Following last month’s failed bid to elect a new student government, past candidates have made Read more…


DCUSU should stay in the USI

February 21, 2023

In addition to going to the polls to vote in the Student Union election this Tuesday and Wednesday, DCU students will also have to decide on whether or not the Student Union will continue its Read more…


Should DCUSU consider leaving the USI?

February 21, 2023

This Tuesday and Wednesday, DCU students will be asked whether the DCU Students Union should remain members of the wider Union of Students Ireland (USI). Those in support of DCUSU remaining as members of the Read more…


Ag Filleadh ar ais chuig DCU

September 28, 2022

Fáilte chuig DCU. Ag tosnú san ollscoil… rud mór atá i gceist, céim mhór sa saol, céim rí-imeaglach í chomh maith. Sa phíosa thíos rachaidh mé trí na hachmhainní atá ar fáil duit agus conas Read more…

Lead Story

DCU Refugee Week kicks off

March 15, 2022

A film about children living in direct provisiom titled ‘Direct Division’ was screened today in the U building as part of DCU’s Refugee Week. Read more…


Joy, tears, and a few nods.

February 18, 2022

At 9:45 last night, Nubar was buzzing! Candidates worked so hard for this day and nerves were high. The minimum number of votes for an election to go ahead lies at 1,953 overall votes. On Read more…