The American nightmare
Everything that could have gone wrong for Ciara Moore on her J1 did. Here she offers her top tips to ensuring your American dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare. Read more…
Everything that could have gone wrong for Ciara Moore on her J1 did. Here she offers her top tips to ensuring your American dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare. Read more…
A recent survey by The College View reveals the attitudes of DCU students towards STIs and sexual health. Read more…
Hustings for the 2014 Students’ Union elections are about to take place at today’s Class Rep Council.
This academic year has seen a rise in the number of students interested in running for a position in the SU elections. Read more…
Students urged to get to know both sides of the debate before making an informed decision at the USI re-affiliation referendum. Read more…
“Don’t Lose Sleep” campaign warns of consequences of excessive drinking in light of neknominations controversy. Read more…
Last year’s decision to nullify the referendum on DCU re-affiliating with the USI caused another lengthy debate at last week’s Class Rep Council meeting. Read more…
CRC agrees to sign charter against corporations dictating learning at universities. Read more…
DCU’s Education Officer is proposing a student volunteer initiative based on American colleges in the hope of extending library opening hours, as writes Ciara Moore. Read more…
DCU students have complained about the cost of healthy food served on campus in comparison to fat-laden foods such as goujons and chips. Read more…
The confidential listening service Niteline is hoping to connect with students by launching a new public faces campaign, as Ciara Moore reports. Read more…
Upset residents have vented their frustration with the anti-social behaviour of some students, which will lead to the tightening of security and puts the campus bar licence in jeoporady, as Ciara Moore and Garrett Lavin report. Read more…
DCU’s Student Assistance Fund sees a sharp rise in applications as SUSI again fail to keep promises. Finnian Curran and Ciara Moore report. Read more…
Students are urged to get home safely after socialising at night, following an alleged sex attack on a student travelling alone back to DCU last week, as Ciara Moore and Ruth Marnell report. Read more…
A scholarship will be awarded to an aspiring journalist who wishes to study towards a Masters in Journalism at DCU, in honour of the late Veronica Guerin Read more…
Four youths who attacked a student on the DCU campus have had their sentencing adjourned until 2014 so they can be assessed by probation officers. Read more…
The entire HUB is set to open this week for DCU SU’s 2013 Summer Ball. Read more…
Outgoing DCU SU Education Officer Aaron Clogher is looking forward to taking on the role of President for the coming year and welcoming new first years to the university. Read more…
It is easy to see why pop sensation Katy Perry has a small strawberry tattooed on the inside of her left ankle. Not only do they taste and look delicious, most forms of berries are also nutrient Read more…
It has been a hectic year for last year’s winners of the X Factor and now Little Mix have just released their debut album DNA. Between attending award shows, doing promotions and recording in studio, Read more…
Nobel Laureate (Nobel Prize winner), Professor Mario Molina has urged DCU staff and students to act collectively in response to the problem of global climate change. Speaking in the Helix last Wednesday, November 21st, as Read more…
By Ciara Moore First year students entering DCU through the HEAR scheme will not have their Access scholarship grant cut despite a large rise in the intake of students to the programme this year. A Read more…