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The American nightmare

April 2, 2014

Everything that could have gone wrong for Ciara Moore on her J1 did. Here she offers her top tips to ensuring your American dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare. Read more…

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Mississippi mud pie

March 19, 2014

Myself and a bunch of friends traveled to South Carolina on a J1 visa last summer. While there, my keen interest in food and baking had me trying every tasty treat that my broke Irish behind Read more…


Paradise in Portland

March 19, 2014

Portland is often referred to as the ‘hipster capital’ of the USA, which may sound like your worst nightmare but it really is a very cool place. Its large population of bearded and tattooed men, Read more…


California dreamin’

March 19, 2014

Everything you’ve ever witnessed on a California-based TV show is the real deal. From celeb-spotting in Hollywood to pep rallies and bonfires on the beach; if a West Coast summer appeals to you, enlist your Read more…

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Food for thought

February 19, 2014

Sleepy brain syndrome after the extended Christmas break? Sharon McGowan has an arsenal of healthy foods to get those minds buzzing again. Read more…

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Seasonal ‘n’ sweet

December 18, 2013

Ruth Marnell brings you some tasty Christmas treats that won’t leave you feeling heavy after Turkey and all the trimmings. Read more…


Experience the slopes

December 4, 2013

After the hype of the Snowsports Society’s Val Thorens trip, Suzanne Cooper reflects on a ski holiday she will always remember and looks at the best deals for students who want to give it a go. Read more…

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Mythbusting: How to kick a cold

December 4, 2013

We’ve all be told to stock up on vitamin C and drink chicken noodle soup when smothered with a cold, but what actually works? Niamh Doherty looks at some old wives’ remedies for the common cold. Read more…


DIY: Lace Shorts

April 24, 2013

Instead of splashing out on a pair of lace shorts from the high street, follow a few simple steps and make your own. Read more…


Cheap and Healthy Eats

April 24, 2013

Eating healthily can be a struggle for students. It’s much easier to stop off at the chipper on the way home than to cook yourself a balanced meal after a hard day listening to lecturers Read more…


Foods can be deceiving

April 3, 2013

As many of us know, the right and wrongs of food can send your head into a spin. As consumers, we are constantly bombarded with so called ‘expert opinions’ on what and how much to eat Read more…

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Superfood of the week: Wild Salmon

April 3, 2013

You’re either into fish or you’re not. The smell of it is enough to put some people off and others just don’t even think of adding it into their diet; poultry and red meat is Read more…


The Story of a Trinity Jailbreak

April 3, 2013

“We could go anywhere in the world we wanted for free”- Australia is 15,696 kilometres away from Ireland. The country has a hot climate and some amazing beaches and is home to nearly half of Read more…

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Superfood of the Week: Oats

March 20, 2013

Does your mother ever tell you “porridge is the best thing you could have for breakfast”? Well it seems that she may be right. The word ‘breakfast’ comes from the idea of ‘breaking the fast’ – porridge is ideal for Read more…

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Health Matters: The Liver

March 20, 2013

When people get a headache or a sore stomach they know straight away where the problem lies, however when it comes to the liver it’s not quite as easy. Unlike a sore stomach, the liver Read more…