October 1st marked International Coffee Day, uniting our unanimous love for coffee.
Discovered in the ninth century by a goat herder Kaldi after his goats were a bit too energetic after consuming an unknown plant. Thanks to Kaldi and his goats we can enjoy the variety of beverages we consume daily, including the classic americano, cappuccino and latte.
With many coffee branches showcasing deals and coffee specialties, let’s dive into all things about coffee!
Coffee is a beverage loved by many and it is greatly known for its ability to fine-tune your focus and boost your energy levels. According to the New York Times coffee is the fourth most popular beverage in the United States. In fact, many people rely on a cup of coffee when they wake up to ensure their day is started on the right foot.
Coffee is definitely steeped in our culture, just the right amount can improve our mood while too much can make us anxious and jittery
According to Health line America, drinking coffee in moderation — about three to four cups per day — has been associated with several health benefits including its ability to increase energy levels, enhance athletic performance, and protect against chronic disease.
Taking it back to its original roots, Greeks have integrated coffee into their culture, lifestyles and social gatherings. Coffee in Greece is much more than a simple drink; it is a pretext for meeting friends and discussing everyday life or serious affairs.
According to the Athens Coffee Festival in 2018 alone over 40,000 tons of coffee was consumed by Greeks, that is roughly 5 billion coffee cups. The integration of coffee into everyday culture is slowly seeping into the rest of the world with the simple idea of getting a coffee becoming something we all depend on.
If you are meeting a friend, a colleague, family member or a stranger you will most likely suggest going to grab a coffee. Students who are stressed and are fed up with working at home or in a library will sit down in a coffee shop all day to get the work done instead.
Once the country began to reopen our 5 kilometre walks quickly involved a walk to get a takeaway coffee and sometimes in the hope of seeing someone you knew for a quick chat. Coffee shops hold an important place in our lives and the art of going to get a coffee is something which will not be going away any time soon.
As a Barista myself, most people who come into my work tend to favour the classics such as americanos, lattes and cappuccinos but the younger generations are starting to experiment more with flavour so for those of you looking to spice up your coffee run here are some not so standard coffee orders you can try courtesy of DCU student responses; Praline mochas, White chocolate mocha with coconut milk, Oat milk iced latte with hazelnut, Honeycomb flatwhite, Oat milk caramel macchiato, Cookie syrup cappuccino as well as lavender iced coffee.
This coming week why not try something new with some of your fellow students recommendations? DCU students also told The College View; the best places to get coffee on campus are Starbucks in the sports complex, The silver van outside the U and the Helix cafe.
Image Credit: Pixabay