
The Crimes of Grindelwald, an underwhelming success

November 28, 2018

The series is hard to compare to its predecessor.  JK Rowling is credited as the writer, and David Yates, who directed the final four Potter films, and the first Fantastic Beasts takes directorial reins.  Obviously the source material is not at the same level, but this is still an enjoyable film regardless of its flaws. Read more…


Thank u Ariana Grande, next

November 28, 2018

The words, “thank you, next” in relation to past relationships sounds cold and unfeeling, but the song is the complete opposite of that. Grande is genuinely thanking her exes for helping her grow and prosper into the person she is today, there’s no negativity or bitterness within the song despite its subject matter. Read more…


What will the Brexit draft deal mean for Ireland?

November 28, 2018

While up until this point the UK policy of ‘no surrender’ politics has ruled out the prospect of a second referendum, the unlikeliness of this draft being approved and their unwillingness to crash out of the EU means it may soon be the only viable solution. Read more…


Terrorist attack staged in DCU

November 22, 2018

A simulated terrorist attack, known as Operation Barracuda, was staged on DCU campus to test how well emerency services react to such high risk incidents. Read more…


Attacking asthma

November 14, 2018

Asthma is difficult but during these winter months symptoms become worsened and you need to know how to cope with them. Béibhinn Thorsch gives us all information we need to know about attacking asthma this winter.
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Trinity hold Rainbow Week

November 14, 2018

Over 20 different events took place during Rainbow Week with TCDSU working alongside a number of different Trinity societies in order to include and engage with all of the student body. Read more…