Flux Gift Guide: For Him

From the quirky to borderline ridiculous we take a look at the best of the bizarre gifts available for the men in your lives this Christmas…

10) T-shirts from Qwertee
One of the coolest trends that have developed over the last few years is Qwertee. No it is not a t-shirt with a keyboard it’s far more inventive than that.

What Qwertee do is sell unique tees for 24 hours before they’re removed from sale almost ensuring you never encounter the old ‘same t-shirt’ fiasco. Add to this the fact they’re delivered at 12 quid a pop and you’ve gotten a great cheap gift.

€12 – www.qwertee.com

9) Zippo Hand Warmer
Young or old you’re always going feel the chill in the Emerald Isle. Whether it be waiting for the bus or watching from the sideline it’d be rare to find someone who wouldn’t appreciate a steel warming effect from his or her hands.

€22.95 – www.peterson.ie

8) Jetlev Flyer
One of the more extravagant gifts on the list, the Jetlev Flyer gives man the ability to fly.
At a mere €22,900 this jetpack is sure to make you the talk of the town. Guaranteed head-turner at mass.

€22,900 – www.jetlev-flyer.com

7) ‘Maybe you touched your genitals’ Hand Sanitizer
Certainly one that won’t cause the same financial pain as the Jetlev this sanitizer is sure to give a chuckle amongst the present givers. Cheeky stocking-filler.

€3.30 – www.amazon.co.uk

6) Duff Beer 24 pack
Match his love of all things Simpsons with a celebratory pint or rather 24 of them. That’s right it’s a thing, the beloved booze of one Homer Simpson is now available outside Springfield.

€35.79 – www.firebox.com

5) Foodskin Flexible Lunchbox
Nothing a man loves more than his food and storing it safely is a big priority. Add to that it moulds to your food to give a teasingly sumptuous idea of what’s inside and you’ve got him salivating without even seeing it.

€24.95 – unika.com/foodskin

4) Salami Notes
Couldn’t be clearer by the title these are post-it that look like salami. Few things appeal to a man more than a spicy sausage and these notes are sure to masculinity to his organisation.

€9.95 – www.doiydesign.com

3) Big Face Meerkat T-shirt
‘Compare The Market’ launched an advertising campaign that sported a wonderfully sophisticated Meerkat upset about the amount of customers confusing his website Compare The Meerkat with the insurance comparison giant.
And so a whole new love was born for these elegant creatures so much so that they are now merged onto our clothes.

€23.89 – www.firebox.com

2) Star Wars life-size cut-out
Nothing is gonna bring out your inner-nerd like standing face to face with Darth Vader. A selection of life-sized Star Wars is sure to bring joy to any loved ones face this Christmas.

€41.79 – www.firebox.com

1) Nerdtendo Gamebooze
The majority of men listed as ‘students’ will have found some place in their hearts for Pokemon and their Gameboys, be it colour or otherwise. A hip-flask that wears the love with pride.

€20 – www.thinkgeek.com

Michael Cogley

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