
Netflix is the New Black

October 24, 2013

Orange is the New Black is another of those TV shows that will encourage the practice of sitting on your bum until you’ve devoured the entire first series, as Aisling Murphy tells us. Read more…

The Hype

Game of the Week: Fifa 14

October 24, 2013

There’s a change of pace about FIFA 14 that can be a little jarring at first. Those long-used, run-and-gun attacks up the centre of the pitch so beloved by FIFA players are met here with Read more…


REVIEW: Escape Plan

October 24, 2013

Old school prison movie Escape Plan, yet again teams up Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is it worth the hype? Definitely, according to Clarissa Waldron.
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Is Britney Back?

October 24, 2013

Is Britney back for good this time? Suzanne Cooper charts the highs and lows of this pop princess’ career. Read more…


A Tinderella Story?

October 24, 2013

Whether you’re a full blown Tinder addict or only just catching on, old fashioned human vanity is the order of the day on this dating app. Rachel Dowdall gives us the rundown. Read more…

Through My Eyes

Fishing for the truth

October 23, 2013

One student talks about their run in with catfishing, where anonymous users online pretend to be someone else entirely. Read more…


Breast Cancer Awareness

October 23, 2013

Over 3,000 Irish women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer each year, so it is vital young females take good care of their bodies. Read more…


30 Thoughts For 30 Days

October 23, 2013

It takes three weeks of relentless routine for something to become a habit. Take a look at our 30 thoughts for 30 days for a new outlook on life. Read more…