
Rise in number of cheating cases in DCU

October 12, 2022

Dublin City University reported 99 cases of plagiarism or cheating in the university between 2019 and 2021. Out of these cases, 73 of them were upheld with four students being stopped from re-registering for their course.  Read more…


Frisky business

March 21, 2018

Sex shops have evolved from seedy backstreets to bustling high streets, encouraging the country to talk honestly about sexuality and the politics that comes with it. Read more…


USI praise anti-extremist declaration

April 20, 2016

The USI praised Irish Muslim leaders who launched an anti-extremism declaration in Trinity College last week. The Union of Students in Ireland, who has said that violence associated with religion has caused a negative and Read more…

University News

Trinity target student housing

November 18, 2015

Trinity College established an “accommodation steering group” over a year ago to help combat the student accommodation crisis in Dublin. This group is currently chaired by the Provost, with the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Bursar, the Students’ Union Welfare Officer and Kevin O’Kelly. Read more…

University News

Union criticises Trinity recruitment

October 28, 2015

Trinity College Dublin’s (TCD) scheme for recruiting new academics has been criticised heavily for being “outside of traditional public service recruitment arrangements.” Read more…


Social dems seek student vote

October 14, 2015

Communicating with Students’ Union presidents and young people is the way to build a hard policy for education, according to Social Democrat TD for Wicklow/East Carlow, Stephen Donnelly. Read more…


Controversy over activist talk in Trinity

April 22, 2015

Iranian political activist refused to deliver a talk in Trinity after security imposed restrictions on the event, which they felt would be “one-sided” and “antagonising” to Muslim students. Jennifer Purdy reports. Read more…