DCU News

AIB to leave DCU campus after 20 years

February 6, 2013

Allied Irish Bank (AIB) has decided to up and leave DCU campus and relocate services to their Santry branch. After more than 20 years on Campus grounds the bank is due to cease it’s operations Read more…


DCU YFG pass motions on X Case

December 12, 2012

DCU Young Fine Gael have passed motions to legislate for the X Case and abortion up to ten weeks. During a meeting in November the branch held discussions on the issue and two motions were Read more…

DCU News

SU to consider options following referendum

November 28, 2012

Students’ Union Education Officer, Aaron Clogher said the SU will speak with various individuals and interest groups in the coming weeks to determine the approach the Union will take after DCU students voted for a Read more…

Clubs and Socs

Underwear run raises over €1,000 for charity

October 17, 2012

The DCU Raising and Giving (RAG) Society raised over €1,000 following the “Underwear Mile” charity fundraiser last Wednesday afternoon. Participants braved the elements and stripped down to their bare essentials in aid of various Irish Read more…