
Staying Healthy over the Holidays

November 30, 2016

Keeping up with a diet or sticking to a routine seems like hell during the holiday season, but it is not impossible. Here are a few tips to stay healthy (or to try to be Read more…


Five ways to help your Mammy this Christmas

November 30, 2016

Help out with the household chores. An obvious tip, but important nonetheless. Mams are particularly fussy when it comes to chores around Christmas time, especially if you’re expecting visitors or hosting dinner. Although she’ll insist upon Read more…


Christmas in Retail

November 30, 2016

You’re standing behind the till, queues upon queues of people facing you, some of whom don’t even bother to mutter the word hello. You greet every customer with a smile and engage in the same Read more…

Clubs and Socs

Drama Soc Panto plays on merging of St Pats and DCU

November 30, 2016

The DCU Drama Society’s pantomime took place last night in the auditorium of St Patricks campus. ‘North Side Story’ is the first DCU panto which has been held outside the Glasnevin campus since the incorporation took place earlier this year. Read more…


Helping the Homeless

November 16, 2016

Christmas is a time for giving and receiving, however, not all of us are fortunate enough to be in a position to celebrate the festivities of the season. With winter weather a reminder of shorter Read more…


Festive treats to bake for the family

December 2, 2015

Christmas is a time to spend with the family, decorating the house, dancing to Christmas songs and munching on the turkey, ham and selection box chocolates. For me, it i also a great time to catch Read more…


Top 5 Christmas flicks

December 10, 2014

Love Actually. This movie brings you nicely into the Christmas season with great intertwining storylines during the run up to Christmas. It also leaves you with the heart-warming message that love is all around.   Read more…


Temple Street at Christmas

December 10, 2014

Not all children will get to spend Christmas at home this year. Six-year-old Izzy O’Connell will spend Christmas in Temple Street as she begins her fifth round of chemotherapy. Read more…


The Christmas creep

December 18, 2013

Retailers are starting Christmas earlier every year, but does the ‘Christmas creep’ bring festive cheer for consumers? Read more…

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Through My Eyes

Homeless at Christmas

December 18, 2013

While most of us are getting ready to head home for the Christmas holidays, The College View speaks to some homeless people who’ll be spending the festive season on the cold streets. Read more…

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Materialism Vs.Tradition

December 12, 2012

Everyone has Christmas traditions; whether it’s fancy dinners, drinks or presents; they’re institutions in your life.  However, the main tradition in almost all households at Christmas is the exchanging of gifts, which raises the great Read more…

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DCU News

Little Christmas comes to DCU

December 12, 2012

Santa came early to DCU on Thursday December 6th with the Little Christmas fair organised by the DCU Saint Vincent de Paul and Raising And Giving (RAG) societies. Santa’s Grotto was among the attractions in Read more…