
Whispers on Walls

February 5, 2025

A bathroom stall: walls of white plastic or plain concrete. What some see as a simple necessity for a public place others see as a blank canvas. Beneath carvings, scratches and paint, ink can often Read more…

The Hype

The significance of album artwork for music

December 12, 2018

Most people will be able to recognise white squiggly lines set against a black t-shirt and instantly know that it is a piece of Joy Division fan merchandise, or even just a t-shirt you wear to make people think that you know that you have a superior taste in music to them. Read more…


How art can change our perception of beauty

October 31, 2018

The famous quote by Oscar Wilde, saying,“life imitates art far more than art imitates life” rings true in the sense that we aspire more imitate the idealised aspects of art as we consider them to be more beautiful than real life and its trials and tribulations.

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The Hype

Banksy’s prank doesn’t quite make the cut

October 31, 2018

Perhaps he intended no deeper meaning to the performance and was simply pulling a long-con, a practical joke, knowing the world would take it and run with it. Maybe Banksy knew that everyone else would do the work for him, if his goal really was to make society take a long, hard look at itself.   Read more…

The Hype

A visit to Roderic O’Conor and The Moderns

October 17, 2018

Similarly, one can see how O’Conor begins to discard the styles of Impressionism. Instead, he focuses on the emotions that pervade a painting and how that can change its direction. Within this room, we can see when O’Conor truly embarks into Post-impressionism territory alongside Gauguin. Read more…

The Hype

Atelier des Lumières lights up the art scene

October 3, 2018

When the light flashes and suddenly all paintings have diminished, the audience is met with the stark reminder that they have been walking around a grey room. The projectors had given the illusion that they had been on an ethereal adventure. Read more…


Divisive work of Emil Nolde at the National Art Gallery

April 18, 2018

Nolde had a fascination with dancers and the beautiful way in which they used their bodies as an artistic tool, this fascination is evident in the exhibition as a running theme as he daringly painted scenes of dancers performing at a cabaret or caught up in movement on stage. Read more…

The Hype

Behind the artist: Sarah Bahbah

March 21, 2018

[dropcap]A[/dropcap]rtist and photographer Sarah Bahbah embraces a style of coming-of-age art that appeals to the Instagram generation through narrative images of self-expression, portraying an overall message of female empowerment.

The Hype

The difficulty of being a modern artist

March 7, 2018

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]espite Ireland’s tiny size, the small island has produced some of the world’s leading poets, composers and artists. Twentieth-century Irish artists such as Jack Butler Yeats, Evie Hone and Sean Keating are renowned for their Read more…

The Hype

Behind the artist: Malcom T. Liepke

February 21, 2018

Malcom T. Liepke, a self taught artist from Minneaopolis, has captivated the world with his beautiful and expressive oil paintings. A painter all his life, the inspiration he finds in the Impressionist painters such as Read more…


Inspirations: Rei Kawakubo

February 24, 2016

Growing up with an opposition to trendy fashion in the typical sense, Comme des Garcons was always one of my favourite brands, I followed religiously, scrimping together my meagre pocket money to buy Nylon and Vogue each month. Read more…