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Yes, no or nothing at all

February 20, 2013

Last Tuesday, just 5% of students voted in the Student’s Union’s referendum to abolish referendums. The SU, while expecting a poor turnout, was still surprised at the low number of students voting. The SU Commander-In-Chief commented: “It’s a Read more…

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Students and drug culture

February 20, 2013

We all know that when it comes to the booze, us Irish have an intrinsic and well documented love affair with the ‘few scoops’. However, when it comes to illegal drugs it seems that we Read more…

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Women can have the last laugh

February 20, 2013

“You’re very funny for a girl.” If I had a euro for every time I’ve heard that phrase I’d have enough money to afford a sex change in order to be accepted as humorous. The Read more…

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The science behind…stress

February 20, 2013

As hard as we might try to forget the bad times, our brain doesn’t have a built-in delete feature. There are a special set of structures in the brain for emotions and memories.  Here, a part Read more…

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Death by heartbreak: fact or fiction?

February 14, 2013

Dying of a broken heart – words normally reserved for poets, romantics and the pages of 1930s Mills and Boon novels are now featuring in medical research journals all over the world. Heart specialists and Read more…

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Should we allow rural drink-driving?

February 6, 2013

Rural isolation has been on the media agenda for quite a few months now. A rise in suicides and depression awoke a general concern in the population. Being mindful of your mental health is now Read more…

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Battling the odds

February 6, 2013

Ann Brady is a happily-married mother of two boys from Greystones, County Dublin, her eldest son, Harry, is in fifth class in primary school and on the surface he looks just like any other happy Read more…

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Google diagnosis

February 6, 2013

The power of Google is amazing. We use Google for everything – from searching a location on maps to helping us with our essays on scholar. But the most dangerous thing we can use Google Read more…

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Early morning culture

February 6, 2013

As Irish people, a massive part of our culture is somehow associated with alcohol and as a result we are globally renowned for being fond of the drink. It is even estimated that Irish people drink Read more…

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Student Life

Making your safety your priority

February 6, 2013

In recent weeks, the issue of safety on DCU campus has never been more pressing. Following the armed robbery of the book shop ‘Hodges and Figgis’ last November, you may have thought that security in Read more…

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News Features

Justice or a joke

February 6, 2013

There is an old saying; do the crime – pay the time, but many believe that this is not the case in modern Ireland. Irregularities in sentencing are becoming common with people committing crimes at Read more…

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Are you anxious?

February 6, 2013

Anxiety can be medically defined as ‘a multi-system response to a perceived threat or danger’. It reflects a blend of biochemical changes in the body, a person’s personal history and memory, as well as the Read more…

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News Features

Losing the shelter of your life

February 6, 2013

How many times have you heard somebody say, “I would give money to the homeless but I know they will just spend it on alcohol or drugs.” This is a common view held by many Read more…

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Student Life

Loss of Hope at the Hands of SUSI

December 12, 2012

Every person has the fundamental right to an education. So what’s putting both young and older people off the idea of studying at third level these days? With the release of another harsh budget, financial Read more…

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Materialism Vs.Tradition

December 12, 2012

Everyone has Christmas traditions; whether it’s fancy dinners, drinks or presents; they’re institutions in your life.  However, the main tradition in almost all households at Christmas is the exchanging of gifts, which raises the great Read more…

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Student Life

Status Changing Strain

December 12, 2012

Remember when you and ‘the love of your life’ broke up because you’re in college and they wanted to ‘enjoy themselves’ while they could? Remember crying for days into your duvet and tub of Hagen Read more…

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Student Life

The Twelve Pubs of Christmas

December 12, 2012

The Twelve Pubs of Christmas has become a staple event on most students Christmas calendar. It is both a mental and physical challenge for the even the most hardened of drinkers. The following is a Read more…

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E-Buyers Beware

December 12, 2012

Do you check the prices of goods online before going into the shop to look, touch and feel the item and then proceed home to click ‘buy’ on your computer screen? Are you an addicted Read more…

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The otherkin of the world

December 12, 2012

Have you ever felt like you don’t fit in? Felt out of place in work or awkward in a group of people? What if you felt out of place within your own body? ‘Otherkin’ is Read more…

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Lending a Helping Hand at Christmas

December 12, 2012

Christmas only happens one day of the year, but thanks to its presentation, the atmosphere can be felt earlier and lasts longer. We see the decorations not only in our own homes, but in every Read more…

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There’s Always Next Year

December 12, 2012

With the New Year just around the corner most of us will already be thinking about what we want to change about ourselves in 2013. Maybe it’s to finally stop smoking or to start going Read more…

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News Features

Is Ireland Still Too Conservative?

December 12, 2012

Last week, Dublin MEP, Emer Costello called for adult entertainment stores and lap dancing clubs to be regulated by the government. The Dublin City Business Association (DCBA) is calling for adult stores and lap dancing Read more…