
Inspirations: Teresa Lynn

March 23, 2016

As a “returned-Gaelgeoir”, she has a great interest in Irish, consistently putting great emphasis on the language within her work. Her PhD included the development of the Irish Dependency Treebank and the first statistical parser for Irish text. Read more…


Observations of accidental adulthood

March 9, 2016

As Virginia Woolf once said, ‘growing up is losing some illusions in order to acquire others’. You may no longer believe in Santa (or you may, each to their own), but you can somehow make yourself believe that those letters marked ‘urgent’ about your student loan repayments are not even there. Read more…


The changing world of children’s toys

March 9, 2016

Toys are changing, while some people may worry that tablets and smartphones are taking over and that young children are becoming dependent on technology, in the opposite direction, many toys are becoming more suitable and appropriate for children every day. Read more…


Living with Diabetes

March 9, 2016

spiralling down towards a really unhealthy lifestyle. The more rare kind of Diabetes is type 1: a disease you most commonly get diagnosed with at an early stage in life – for no, yet, known reason. For many kids who have this disease, or any other disease that makes you “different”, it is something well connected to shame. Read more…


Inspirations: Pat Divilly

March 9, 2016

The first week there were only five but there were more every week, Pat, his believers, and a few plastic cones: “I was on the beach five times a day. If one extra person came, I would cycle home even faster to tell my Mum.”

Two books later, a thriving fitness business and a request to guest on the Late Late show, Pat has done his utmost to leave the darkness behind, he knows about failure and shattered pride. Read more…


The Truth Behind the Thinness

February 24, 2016

I look okay. It doesn’t mean that I am okay. I am not over anorexia; I am living with it. Some days are harder than others, and I am ready to trade recovery in for that other me, that controlled me. Read more…


Inspirations: Rei Kawakubo

February 24, 2016

Growing up with an opposition to trendy fashion in the typical sense, Comme des Garcons was always one of my favourite brands, I followed religiously, scrimping together my meagre pocket money to buy Nylon and Vogue each month. Read more…


Resourceful food revelations

February 24, 2016

But surely it would just make sense to give hungry people food to give themselves energy? There are estimates that one in 10 people suffer from food poverty in Ireland alone. Read more…


Disable inequality in this year’s election

February 24, 2016

Disable Inequality is a campaign to end discrimination for people living with disability and to make equality a defining issue in Election 2016. With more than 600,000 people with a disability living in Ireland, two in three people know at least one person, be they a friend, a family member, a colleague or neighbour. Read more…


Fitness inspiration from Morley’s Motivation

February 24, 2016

“For the first few weeks I was too embarrassed to face the gym, so I just stuck it out with my meal plan and when I got enough confidence I joined the gym at home and in DCU as well as the boxing club for some added push.” Read more…


Inspirations: Gigi Gorgeous

February 10, 2016

I logged into my account as usual that December morning, however, nothing prepared me for what I was about to encounter. It was a video entitled “I am transgender”. Growing up with four brothers in a family that worshipped football, this was like nothing I had ever seen, I was in awe. Read more…


A Bitter Truth: Why our healthy resolutions are destined to fail

February 10, 2016

The school of thought around food, exercise and our overall health has been changing rapidly, however, and Professor Robert Lustig has found fame by disputing the inherent idea that change must come from within. He argues that there are two villains responsible for our cycle of failed resolutions, and neither of them are ourselves. Read more…


Heil Trump! Are the comparisons justified?

February 10, 2016

Hitler infamously blamed the Jews for the poor state of Germany after World War 1. While Trump is blaming everyone from Mexicans, Muslims, the Chinese and even Irish students for being a burden on America’s economy.

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The social campaign for cervical screening

February 10, 2016

The latest trend on social media in regards to social awareness relates to women, but more specifically to cervical cancer. The ‘Smear for Smear’ campaign was launched to raise awareness for Cervical Cancer and to Read more…


Inspirations: Sonja Daly

December 2, 2015

Carpe diem is a phrase I learned when I was very young. I didn’t really understand it then, but sometimes things happen and everything just falls into perspective.

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When healthy eating becomes an unhealthy obsession

December 2, 2015

It’s when eating healthily becomes such an obsession that it impacts you psychologically that it becomes unhealthy. While anorexia is the eating disorder where you have an intense fear of gaining weight, orthorexia is the eating disorder where you fear eating unhealthy foods. Read more…

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Books have a future, but not in storytelling

December 2, 2015

A company called Books by the Foot has emerged and it allows buyers to purchase a linear foot of books at a set price to match the interior design of their chosen room. You select a broad subject and the colour you want and then the company chooses the books to complete your collection. Read more…

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News Features

LinkedIn: The new way to network

December 2, 2015

For students LinkedIn is an important tool to help connect with potential employers post-graduation. LinkedIn is like an online CV which gives users a platform to share work experience and engage on a professional level with connections. It allows you to personalise your profile to list skills and achievements, which can then be endorsed by your connections. Read more…