[dropcap]DCU[/dropcap] Students’ Union held a Nurses Appreciation Day during Reading Week to acknowledge those students who work through the week.
The event was held in the Nursing Building, where a number of activities were taking place with the aim to make student nurses feel appreciated for the work they do.
“Today is to lift morale for students that study nursing because they spend so much time on placement, we just want to reward them at this point in the year,” said Vice President for Education and Placement Craig McHugh.
“It’s a very simple day to get students together, have a bit of music, a bit more atmosphere in the place because it’s not a very easy course,” he continued.
A number of first and final year nursing students attended the event where there were competitions to win a months leap card and games of operation. There was also refreshments and a candy floss machine.
Despite a good turnout from students that were on campus, both second and third-year students are on placement currently and were unavailable for the event.
The SU is planning to conduct another event similar to this in February as by then these students on placement will be back in full-time education and will be able to attend.
“It’s hard to get them all at once, this is the first of two nursing appreciation days we’re going to do this year,” said McHugh.
A number of student nurses who are currently out on placement were dissatisfied with this event as many felt left out or that those on placement had been left aside in the planning of the event.
“I think it’s a good concept however only first and fourth years were present in the college at the time. I didn’t feel appreciated as did a lot of my other colleagues in nursing. Most people don’t realise what we actually have to do on a day to day basis in the hospital, we get no pay whatsoever and work almost 40 hours a week,” said second-year nursing student Jessica Collins.
“Maybe try have a day when every year isn’t out on placement, which I know it’s probably non-existent, or have a day for each individual year, like 3rd year appreciation day,” said Kathy Breen, a third-year nursing student when asked what could’ve been done to include all students.
Ellen Fitzpatrick
Image credit: DCU