SU Elections 2017: Who, what, when and where?

BY Aaron Gallagher

Tomorrow is the final day in which you can cast your vote to elect the 2017/18 DCU Students’ Unions. Voting takes place online: in order to do so simply log onto Loop and click the “Students Union” tab.

There you will be met with a variety of different choices to vote for the election of:

  • President
  • Vice President for Education & Placement
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Engagement & Development
  • Vice President for Welfare & Equality
  • Clubs Officer
  • Societies Officer
  • Irish Language Officer

You will be asked to rank the candidates for each position based of your preference of who you want to see elected onto next year’s Students’ Union.

You will also be asked to elect a Faculty Representative. You can place just one vote based on your Faculty: (i) Business, (ii) Humanities & Social Sciences, (iii) Computing, (iv) Education, (v) Science & Health and (vi)Postgraduate.

Still undecided on who to vote for?

You can read a breakdown of the candidates running for President here.

You can read a breakdown of the candidates running for VP for Welfare & Equality here.

VP for Academic Affairs is an uncontested race. Read our interview with the sole candidate Brendan Power here.

Two candidates are running for the position of VP for Engagement & Development. Read our interview with Siobhán McTague here. Shaun Kerrs was unavailable for interview.

VP for Education & Placement is also an uncontested race. Read our interview with the sole candidate Matthew Davey here.

Irish Officer is an uncontested race. Read our interview with the sole candidate Caoimhe Ní Chonghaile here.

Postgraduate Officer is an uncontested race. Read our interview with the sole candidate Allan Stevenson here.

You may be wondering what an uncontested race is and what happens if I don’t want to vote for the sole candidate who is running?

There are many uncontested races in this year’s Students’ Union Elections.

In such cases a second option is available, which is to Re-Open Nominations (RON).

If you decide to give your vote to Re-Open Nominations (RON) and the sole candidate running fails to meet the required quota to be elected, the election for that position will be re-opened until the position is filled.

To learn more about who the Students’ Union is and what it does, consider some of our features published during Election Week:

The Great Debate: are SU elections just popularity contests?

Your Students’ Union: An entity for real change

Parties versus profession: The story of a Student’s Union president

What does the SU do for you?

Analysis: DCU sees significant drop in students running for election

Analysis: DCUSU Election Hustings

Editorial: Election season is upon us

Voting closes at 5pm on Thursday, with the results announced later that evening in NuBar on the Glasnevin Campus.

Aaron Gallagher