DCU Clubs & Socs grant application process changes

The process of the Clubs & Socs grant application has changed

The grant application of the DCU Students’ Union subsidised budget process for DCU’s clubs and societies have changed this year.

DCU Clubs & Societies and the SU are now placing a focus on how clubs and societies are funded and how they are developed by the students who run them.

The SLC & CLC committees will now allocate clubs and societies a budget for the academic year – the budget allocation will be based on what the club and society claimed and spent during the previous year.

According to the Office of Student Life, the new budgetary process will encourage committee members of the various clubs and societies to think about their event plans for the year ahead and request a budget on the basis of what they intend to do.

The Office of Student Life added that when clubs and societies finalise their full cost plans for the year ahead – they will then submit them to the SLC & CLC committees for approval.

In previous years, the CLC and the SLC spent a lot of their meeting time deciding on how many guest speakers should they allocate, should the society travel to Cork or Belfast etc. This process puts it back to the Club or Society to decide” said Siobhán Dunne, Finance & Development Office at the Office of Student Life.

Dunne went on to say “having met with a large number of Clubs & Societies, the general feedback was quite positive” and that  “the experience gained this year, for all involved, can only make the budgetary process more simplistic going forward”.

When asked what was being done for clubs and societies that didn’t spend much last year – Dunne said: “I met with these Clubs & Socs, explained the reasons behind their budget, reviewed their proposed plans and re-assured them with a revised budget”.

Andrew Ralph

Image Credit: Zainab Boladale

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