The National Student Media Awards are back for their 25th year and seeking submissions from budding journalists. The awards recognise the contribution of students to their campus papers, magazines and other outlets across a variety of disciplines and categories. The College View is very excited to submit this year and is looking for any and all types of journalistic pieces, whether it be photography, podcasts or a good old-fashioned article.
Recognition by the SMEDIA’s is a huge deal, and past winners have seen huge positives when applying for jobs. The awards ceremony, which takes place in Dublin’s famed Mansion House is an excellent networking opportunity, attended by journalist’s and other media figures.
Here are all the key deadlines you need to know!
Submissions open on 14th February and close on 12th March. For submissions under The College View, get in contact via the editor’s email, editor@thecollegeview.ie, or through our WhatsApp channel. We will also be able to access funding on your behalf.
Successful applicants are shortlisted between 19th-25th March, while the judging panel deliberated after until March 31st.
The awards ceremony takes place on April 9th as the very best of Irish student journalism is displayed!
So, if you have been waiting to write for The College View… now is the perfect time to start!