15:15 – The quota has officially been hit & a new student union will be elected at 4pm today.
16:06 – The announcement is running late but the steps are incredibly busy with supporters. Most candidates are surronded by campaign teams.
16:12 – Outgoing President of the DCUSU TOD introduces the results. He elicites three cheers from the crowd.
16:13 – Podge Sheehan has taken over announcing the election results.
The results for the part-time positions are as follows:
There were 135 votes in the Postgraduate Officer race, Josh King as the sole candidate was elected with 123 votes.
Ash Moloney also ran unopposed and won the role of Faculty Rep for Humanities & Social Science with 463 votes from the 497 ballots cast.
For the role of Faculty Rep for Science & Health, Alex Candon won the one-person race, receiving 378 of 395 votes.
The role of Oifigeach na Gaeilge was given to unopposed candidate Emily Cathcart. Of the 1216 votes cast, she received 1151 votes.
In the tighest race of any position, Robert Maloney beat out fellow candidate Aaron Langrell for the role of Faculty Rep for Engineering & Computing by just one vote. Aaron was ahead by 6 votes on the first count, however when the Re-Open Nominations (RON) votes were redistributed, Robert pulled ahead.
For the role of Faculty Rep for the Institute of Education, Ella Ni Mhaille won the role having won 220 of the 539 votes cast.
Sadhana Sambandam was elected Faulty Rep for Business. She received 137 of the 268 votes cast, to win the three-person race.
Sophie King won the role of Societies Officer, receiving 1033 of the 1596 votes cast.
Angelina Foley recieved the role of Clubs Officer having won 996 votes from the 1414 ballots cast.
The results for the full-time positions are as follows:
VP for Community & Citizenship was won by Brandon Perry. Brandon received 1231 of the 1944 votes cast, making him the winner of the race. His opponent Ben Watson receieved 603 votes.
Alishaer Ahmed ran unopposed for the position of VP of Diversity & Inclusion. He recieved 1160 of the total 1630 ballots.
The role of VP for Academics was received by Aoife Butler, who won 1078 of the total 2103 votes.
VP for Wellbeing was a five-person race that was won on the third count by Jamie Mangan. He received 1090 of the valid 2055 votes cast.
Finally, the position of President of the Student Union was voted on by 2642 students. On the second count, the position was won by Karl Ormsby.
16:27 – President TOD addressed the crowd and congratulated all the winners on their new positions.