Just after 8:30 pm in the U building crowds gathered. A smell of alcohol, goujons, and nerves filled the air, as returning officer Podge Sheehan announced the Student Union (SU) election results.
Crowds celebrated, as Thomas O’Dowd (TOD) was announced to continue his second year as SU president after a long week of campaigning.
He thanked students for giving “TOD the nod” and applauded Brandon Perry, runner-up for his impressive campaign – “he put a fantastic campaign in, he was a really good candidate, and he really really put himself out there”.
The results are as follows:
President: 2,609 votes in total.
TOD received an overwhelming response of 2,036 votes, with Brandon Perry carrying 496. 77 people voted to Re-Open Nominations (RON).
Wellbeing: 3,002 votes in total.
This was the tightest turnaround for results, with Sarah Fitzpatrick winning overall with 1,530 votes, and Katie Warren receiving 1,453. RON got 19.
Academic life: 1,735 votes in total.
Eoin Crossen was the only candidate for this role, receiving a total of 1,552 votes. RON received 183.
Diversity and Inclusion: 1,896 votes in total.
Sam Mooney received the win with 1,387 votes saying she’s glad people believed in them. She wants to hear “your opinion, your voice for diversity and inclusion in DCU because I promise I will listen to every single student that voted for me”. Their opponent Rupinder Singh received 421 votes, and RON a further 88.
Community and Citizenship: 1,944 votes in total.
Emma Monahan, last year’s clubs officer remains on the executive team, receiving a total of 982 votes. Alethea Williams follows close behind with 920 votes. RON took 42.
Our new part-time committee is as follows:
Institute of Education- Mark Dunne, HSS- Sorcha McGroarty, Science and Health- Adam Daly, Clubs- Kavach Dheer, Socs- Shane Murphy.
The College View has live-streamed the entire election process. Click here to watch the night unfold.
More coverage will follow over the next few days.
Louise Hickey.
In collaboration with the rest of the team.