DCU Student’s Union for 2021/22 academic year elected

Jamie Mc Carron 

Terence Rooney was elected as President of DCU’s Student Union (SU) with 1,908 votes on the 2nd count.

In a livestreamed video shortly after 8pm from the near-empty U Building Returning Officer Podge Sheehan, praised DCU students for a “record turnout” in the elections.

After the first count Rooney had 1,511 votes, just 6 more than his closest opponent Seán Smyth.

Rooney also ran against Jack Callaghan and despite not reaching the quota of 1,960 votes after the second count Rooney was deemed elected with 111 more votes than his closest rival, Smyth.

The election for DCUSU President received 3,918 votes overall and saw Jack Callaghan removed after the first count.

Among the newly-elected 4th year student’s election promises were plans to hold a Fresher’s Week for 2nd years, increased events for St. Pat’s and All Hallows campuses and a continuation of lecturers recording lectures for later viweing.

Current Vice President for Welfare and Equality, Dean O’Reilly was elected as the VP for Wellbeing, receiving 1,783 votes.

He was deemed elected on the first count, surpassing the quota of 1,379 votes and his opponent Erin Byrne’s 961 votes.

“I am ecstatic to be elected, this last year has been extremely challenging for students and it’s what I ran my campaign on; offering students continued support. I am going to be back in my office tomorrow  answering emails, helping students out and I’m really happy I get to do that for another year. Congratulations to Erin, she ran a very strong campaign,” O’Reilly told the College View.

Bobbie Hickey was elected to the role of VP for Diversity and Inclusion on the first count, winning 1,197 votes out of the 1,966 votes cast for the position.

“It’s incredible and truly is such an exciting sign for the future! I am so grateful for each and every one of you for electing me into the DCUSU, it is so greatly appreciated. I am going to give 150% of myself to this role,” Hickey announced on Instagram shortly after her election was announced.

Her opponents were Michael Long and Olivia Sneyd.

Kate Goodman ran unopposed for the VP for Academic Life position and won 1,759 of the 1,862 votes cast in that race.

“I’m over the moon, I can’t wait to start my new position with the amazing executive team elected tonight. I’m so grateful to campaign team and everyone who voted for me!” Goodman told the College View.

Ross Boyd was narrowly elected VP for Community and Citizenship with 852 votes, just 3 above the quota. However he would have been elected even if he had not reached the quote by surpassing his only opponent Tadgh Jenkins, who received 799 votes.

“I’m hugely excited to be the first VP for Community and Citizenship, especially as a new role and be able to work with students on the issues that matter to them, and ensure the experience outside of lectures is valued as much as inside of them,” Boyd told the College View.

In the Faculty Representative elections, DCU’s School of Business election received the highest turnout with 699 votes being cast.

Eoghan Fleming was elected on the 2nd count with 368 votes, 18 above the quota.

He ran againstSeán Coffey and Paul Simionescu.

Glen Scanlon Tims was elected as Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Rep on the first count with 368 votes. He defeated Zak Aboukrhes who received 247 votes.

Amy Bourke was deemed elected as Engineering and Computing Faculty Rep on the 2nd count with 201 votes. Harish Narayanan and Danail Tsanov also ran.

DCU’s Institute of Education elected Zara Doyle as its Faculty Rep. Doyle ran unopposed and received253 votes out of the 283 votes that were cast and was deemed elected on the first count.

Sarah Jones was elected as Science and Health Faculty Rep with 251 votes, exceeding the quota by 10. She ran against Shauna Rose Raeside who received 224 votes.

Eliott Grennan ran unopposed for the position of Clubs Officer and was elected with 1,123 votes out of 1,214 votes cast.

Similarly Oisin McGovern ran unopposed for the position of Societies Officers and was elected on the first count with 1,113 votes out of 1,193 votes cast.

Jamie Mc Carron

Image Credit: DCUSU