[dropcap]A[/dropcap] display in DCU’S Student Centre highlighting the topic of consent was destroyed on Monday evening.
The display, which was part of the “It Stops Now” project, featured different kinds of underwear hanging around The U.
“It Stops Now” is an EU funded campaign that aims to end sexual violence and harassment in third-level education.
DCU’s Student Union tweeted today saying: “To the students who tore down this display because you thought it would be funny, good craic, or anything of the sort; it’s not. The level of disrespect & ignorance shown is exactly why things like this are so very necessary. This is vandalism and this is not ok.”
“To all of those who appreciated the display, talked about it, engaged with it, took pictures of it, spread the word about it; thank you! Don’t let this act ruin all of the good that has already come from it,” they continued.
Sally Madden
Image Credit: DCU’s Student Union.