[dropcap]The [/dropcap]annual rent for Shanowen Square has increased by 27 per cent from last year.
The increase brings the total cost to €8695 for the 2018/2019 academic year, an increase of €1850. The rent covers from the 10th of September to the 25th May, a period of eight months – meaning rent is the equivalent of €235 a week.
Shanowen Square is the most expensive accommodation available to DCU students in comparison to
Gateway and DCU’s on campus accommodation, which is made up of Hampstead, Larkfield and
College Park.
The annual rent for a single room in College Park is €6,026 which is slightly more than the €5,729
annual rent for Hampstead.
The Larkfield apartments in DCU are the cheapest option at €5,395 for the academic year while a
standard room in Gateway costs €7,980.
Shanowen Square consists of 86 apartments which houses a total of over 300 students.
While Shanowen Square is the most expensive option, it is widely considered by students to be the
best accommodation for DCU students.
“The Shanowen apartments were more modern, better maintained, cheaper and closer to campus.
They also had an ensuite in all rooms,” said Colin Tonge, a DCU graduate who previously lived in
both Gateway and Shanowen Square.
The increase has left students considering their options for next year. Current Shanowen residents
are automatically offered a room for next year.
“I’ll definitely consider it but it’s not likely that I’ll be applying again because of the increase in price,”
said Emily Sheahan, a second year student in DCU who currently lives in Shanowen. “It’s just crazy
how much it’s gone up by.”
“What they provide is great and it’s worth it to some extent but it’s not worth putting it up to nearly
€1,000 a month. You pay a certain amount for what you get but I think they’re just doing it because
they can. I think it’s not fair on the people who need accommodation.”
Shanowen Square declined to comment at the time of publication.