DCUSU celebrate Valentine’s Day with Spunout’s ‘Dublin Love Run’

By Aoife Horan

DCU Students’ Union kicked off Valentine’s Day with the ‘Dublin Love Run’ in Albert College Park, last Monday.

In partnership with Spunout.ie, the event saw dozens of people, couples and singletons alike, take part in the 5 kilometre run.

The route was lit with low hanging glowing balloons and DCUSU VP for Welfare and Equality, Cody Byrne, led the run dressed as Cupid.

“This is the first ever love run event that we’ve done, hopefully we can continue it in the future,” Byrne said, speaking at the event.

Spunout.ie is a website that promotes physical sexual and mental health to young people, visited by over 90,000 people every month.

Spunout’s CAO Ian Power attended the event and collected donations for the organisation.

“[We] really appreciate everyone coming out to this evening and taking time out to get involved,” Power said, speaking to the crowd.

He also expressed his thanks to SU for their support of the event.

After the event each of the participants were gifted with complimentary SHAG packs, donated by the Union of Students in Ireland (USI), to mark their annual SHAG week.

DCUSU are working in conjunction with the USI’s SHAG week this week, hosting Body & Soul week across the university. The week focuses on promoting physical and sexual health, as well as mental wellness.

The ‘Love Run’ was the first event of Body & Soul week, which runs from February 13th to 16th. The week is due to finish off with DCU Dance’s “The Full Monty” in the Wright Venue on Thursday night.

It will see members of various DCU Societies strip down in competition, along with a performance from DCU Dance’s “The Dolls” on the Wright Venue stage.

Aoife Horan

Image: Spunout.ie