International students on the rise

[dropcap]The[/dropcap] number of international students studying in DCU for the full academic year 2016/2017 has increased over previous years, according to figures supplied by the institutional Research and Analysis Officer in DCU.

The amount of full time Undergraduate and Postgraduate students from outside of Ireland rose when compared to the same figures for the 2015-2016 academic year. Undergraduates were up 3.1 per cent from 902 to 930, while postgraduates increased 3.45 per cent, with 539 this year against 521 last year.

Poland was the country from which the most undergraduate international students arrived. 95 Polish students registered for the full academic year this year, making up just over 10 per cent of all the international undergraduates at DCU. 91 students came from the United Kingdom this year, the second highest number. For the 2015-2016 year , theUnited Kingdom was highest at 88 students.

Paul O’Dwyer, International Programme Assistant in the DCU International Office, said that there are benefits to both DCU and the students coming to the college.

“International students pay higher fees, and the college sees this as a way to get extra money for resources. As well as that, if students are looking for an English speaking college, they see DCU and Ireland as an attractive option.”

Over a quarter of all postgraduate international students in DCU this year are from Saudi Arabia, with 145 registered to study here this year. This is a 57 per cent rise in the number of Saudi Arabians in DCU over the same time last year.

Indian is the second most common nationality of international postgraduates; 85 Indian students are studying a postgraduate course in DCU full time for the 2016-2017 year.

For the previous year, it was again Saudi Arabia and India that had the highest number of postgraduates studying in DCU, with 92 and 73 students respectively.

Paul put this down to the scholarship systems in Middle Eastern countries, and the work of recruitment officers on the ground there.

“The Saudi Embassy helps to administer scholarships that cover tuition fees and accommodation costs, and we have recruitment officers for the Middle East who travel to fairs,” he said. 

Aaron McElroy

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