DCU students fight against fees

DCU’s ‘Students Against Fees’ movement met last Monday to discuss a plan on how they will spread their message to the student body and get more people involved.

The group’s first meeting was also attended by two members from the Trinity College Dublin branch who offered ideas that helped their own cause rally more students to join.

Grainne Smith, founder of DCU’s movement, said, “I set up the DCU movement to oppose increased fees, student loans and anything that creates barriers to education.”

Smith said she also set up group because of her Class Representative responsibilities which has involved students expressing financial concerns.

“How can a student be expected to reach their full potential under this kind of financial

Smith said that Students Against Fees wants to give students the power to make their voices heard. Smith also believes the new system the Government is thinking of implementing that was leaked by the Cassells Report will leave a many of students with uncertain futures in education.

The Cassells Report indicates that the government will look to an increased fees and student loan system. It is believed that the student contribution charge will be increased to €4000 and the student grants scheme SUSI will cease to cover the charge.

Students will potentially be forced to pay the charge up front themselves or take out a loan. This increased financial burden has angered students across the country.

The idea for DCU’s movement was based on the Trinity model due to the success it has had with their school and they have worked closely together to help the movement grow.

Smith said, “Students Against Fees TCD are setting a date for a demonstration to take place before the General Election. We hope to get as many students to attend as possible.”

“We will canvass at clubs and socities day next week and hold lecture addresses. I have been speaking to students who have expressed interest in setting up groups in other colleges so I will follow up on that.”

The next meeting for Students Against Fees DCU will take place on Thursday, the 5th of February and more details can be found on their Facebook page.

Brein McGinn

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