Inspirations: Demi Lovato

After a turbulent five years, actress and singer-songwriter Demi Lovato has managed to become an inspiration for many people all over the world. Lovato has suffered from many issues, including self harm, substance abuse, an eating disorder, depression and bipolar disorder. Through it all, she is still staying strong. Her resilience and self discipline to stay mentally stable is inspiring to anyone suffering.


“I didn’t know why I was alive and I didn’t like myself very much, I was withdrawn disconnected and very angry. I would medicate myself with drugs and alcohol in an effort to feel normal, not better just normal” Lovato said during a speaking at a day of action for the National Alliance for Mental Illness.


Mental illness has no pattern or reason, it can affect anyone in the world. No individual person can truly empathise with somebody else’s suffering. In reality nobody knows what it is like until they’ve suffered from mental health issues and even then, every situation is completely different. Being in the spotlight in the way that Lovato is, means that her mental illness and struggles have been very much public.


Lovato has started up a treatment scholarship programme in honour of her father, Patrick.  “My father had schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as well, and I watched him live a very unfortunate life because of the lack of access to treatment.” she said. Lovato’s father died in 2013.


She has most recently worked with BeVocalSpeakUp.Com trying to raise awareness about the importance of good mental health. Lovato’s fifth studio album is titled Confident, signalling a new era of just being comfortable with who you are as a person. 


“What does it mean to be confident? It means letting go, being authentic, saying I don’t give a f**k and this is who I am. I want to show the side of me that’s real, that’s liberated, that’s free.” she said.


Lovato is inspiring because she is a perfect example that you need to go to the darkest depths of your own mental anguish to find the light. It is about recognising why you felt that way but also validating those feelings before moving on for the better.


Lovato has helped open the doors to make people aware of how serious mental health is and that is truly inspiring. It’s never easy speaking openly and honestly about yourself but she has found that strength and courage to do just that. The singer and actress inspires me because she says mental illness does not define her: “I realised that bi-polar disorder may be a part of my life, but it isn’t who I am.”


Conor Martin

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