Education: Carty talks CRC, the upcoming university merger and student nurses

Iarla Carty is satisfied with the performance of the Class Rep Council (CRC) during his time in DCU. He feels that there is little need for change.

“They’re doing a good job and if I’m elected I’ll work very closely with them to make sure that the proper support systems (for class reps) are there,” he says.

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When discussing how to combat the low attendance of class reps at council meetings he stated that there should be better social incentives for those attending. Carty also spoke of his desire to keep class reps better informed.
“Communication is key,” he says. “If they know what’s going on they’ll get involved a bit more.”

With regards to the merger of St. Patricks and Mater Dei into DCU Carty promises give the new students “all the information they need”. He also pledged to make himself fuly available to the new students to help with whatever queries they may have.

The use of Irish throughout the DCU campus has been a particular topic of interest in this campaign. The constitution of the SU provides for the promotion of a bilingual campus so it is the responsibility of the Education Officer to ensure that measures to implement this policy are encated.

Iarla Carty has pledged to promote the use of Irish throughout the campus if elected. He says that it is the desire of the students to have more widespread use of Irish so it is something he will work towards.

“The social aspect of Irish speaking is something I’d like to see brought more into DCU,” he says when questioned on how Irish should be promoted in DCU.

Carty also states that if students want to communicate with him through Irish he wopuld be “fairly confident” that he would do the best job he could.

The issues facing DCU’s student nurses have been brought up during this campaign. Education candidates have outlined their support an easing of the pressures facing student nurses.

“Nurses can feel that they’re not a part of the DCU community,” says Iarla Carty. “I want to give them the best opportunity to enjoy college life and integrate them more into the college community.”

John Casey

Credit: Iarla Carty

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