24 Hour Broadcast raises almost €5k for Histiocytosis

DCU’s Media Production Society smashed their target and raised over €4,700 for the Histiocytosis Research Trust as part of their 24 Hour Broadcast last weekend.

Shows such as ‘Top of the Socs’ and hilarious leg waxing featured during the broadcast with classic shows such as ‘Bargain Hunt’ and ‘Mock the Week’ getting a special once-off revamp for the occasion. The society even produced their own version of the number one hit ‘Band Aid’ in the lead-up to the broadcast.

The marathon broadcast was fronted by Eoghan O’Connor and Ciara Finnegan with Katy Anna Mohan and Caoimhe Ní Chathail acting as backstage presenters for the full 24 hours.

The cause was brought to the attention of the Media Production Society by first year journalism student, Niamh Ní Ruarí who suffers from a rare form of cancer known as Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis or LCH.

This condition affects just one in every 200,000 children and Niamh has been living with this disease since she was sixteen years of age. The Histiocytosis Research Trust is a charity based in the UK and, at present, receives very little to no funding from either the Irish or UK government.

Speaking to The College View last week, Niamh says she’s delighted that the Media Production Society chose her charity for this year’s broadcast.

“It’s a real honour and a privilege for this charity to be chosen”, she says. “Histiocytosis is a relatively rare disease which doesn’t get much funding”.

“Even though it is a rare condition, for those few people it affects any funding is monumental. That’s why I’m delighted the 24 Hour Broadcast team took on this charity – so that this cause can be publicised and maybe grab the attention of the government”.

Donations continue to flood in for the Histiocytosis Research Trust and you can still make a donation at justgiving.com/dcutv. Niamh also runs a blog at myybeautifulnightmare.wordpress.com where you can find out more information about her life, living with LCH.

Sharron Lynskey

Image: Media Production Society

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