
Exam timetables cause confusion in DIT

December 10, 2014

Students and staff at DIT have been left confused and misinformed surrounding the dates for their upcoming Christmas examinations due to its proposed merge with ITT and ITB next year.


Tráth an fheithimh

December 10, 2014

Tá mí na Nollag buailte linn agus leis, Aidbhint. Is léir céard atá i gceist ar an dromchla le ‘Adventus’ nó ‘teacht’ sa Ghaeilge. Is séasúr é a cheiliúrann cuid sainaicmí Críostaithe ar fud na Read more…


Éagsúlacht na hollscoile

December 10, 2014

Eagraíodh ‘DCU Diversity Week’ an tseachtain seo chaite. Ba é an aidhm a bhí ag Aontas na Mac Léinn ná éagsúlachtaí mac léinn Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath a cheiliúradh.

Irish & Languages

Aldi mo chroí

December 10, 2014

An lá ar osclaíodh an chéad Aldi ar oileán beag s’againne; b’shin casadh na taoide, b’shin an croisbhealaí grósaeireachta ba thábhachtaí is ba ghalánta a bheannaigh Éire ariamh.


Top 5 Christmas flicks

December 10, 2014

Love Actually. This movie brings you nicely into the Christmas season with great intertwining storylines during the run up to Christmas. It also leaves you with the heart-warming message that love is all around.   Read more…


Festive Christmas Cocktails

December 10, 2014

With everyone’s favourite time of year just around the corner, here are a few seasonal drinks if you (like me), can’t wait to get your Christmas on. Pomegranate Martinis: 50 grams of sugar 170 mls Read more…


SU host Diversity Week

December 10, 2014

Diversity week, hosted by the Students’ Union took place last week throughout campus from December 1 to December 5.


T’is the season of sparkle

December 10, 2014

When it comes to cracking out the bit of sparkle at Christmastime, we are certainly no strangers to the glistening trend. However the downside with this look is that it is extremely easy to go Read more…


No paint required

December 10, 2014

We can all agree that college accommodation isn’t exactly like staying at the Hilton. Spending a year in an uncomfortable space isn’t ideal for studying, sleeping or socialising. However, there are cheap, simple ways to Read more…