Exam timetables cause confusion in DIT
Students and staff at DIT have been left confused and misinformed surrounding the dates for their upcoming Christmas examinations due to its proposed merge with ITT and ITB next year.
Students and staff at DIT have been left confused and misinformed surrounding the dates for their upcoming Christmas examinations due to its proposed merge with ITT and ITB next year.
Aaron Gallagher looks at lectures as a learning method and asks whether students are really getting their moneys worth with this medium of teaching. Read more…
Tá mí na Nollag buailte linn agus leis, Aidbhint. Is léir céard atá i gceist ar an dromchla le ‘Adventus’ nó ‘teacht’ sa Ghaeilge. Is séasúr é a cheiliúrann cuid sainaicmí Críostaithe ar fud na Read more…
Áine Marie Monk takes a look at life with Autism. Read more…
Over 20,000 students have been registered to vote ahead of the upcoming marriage equality referendum as part of a nationwide voter registration drive. Read more…
The Students’ Unions of DCU, St. Patrick’s College Drumcondra and Mater Dei Institute to merge in July of 2016. Finnian Curran reports. Read more…
The number of students seeking financial support from charities has risen, according to a recent Campus.ie article.
Eagraíodh ‘DCU Diversity Week’ an tseachtain seo chaite. Ba é an aidhm a bhí ag Aontas na Mac Léinn ná éagsúlachtaí mac léinn Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath a cheiliúradh.
DCU President Brian MacCraith speaks exclusively to The College View on a new campus development announcement, the reform of the CAO and the upcoming merger with St. Pat’s. Read more…
Ruaidhrí Croke examines the importance of language and its simplification in the media today. Read more…
An lá ar osclaíodh an chéad Aldi ar oileán beag s’againne; b’shin casadh na taoide, b’shin an croisbhealaí grósaeireachta ba thábhachtaí is ba ghalánta a bheannaigh Éire ariamh.
The We’re Not Leaving movement launched a manifesto proposing that rent increases should be capped at 10 per cent over a three-year period. Read more…
Three DCU professors earn up to €250,000 a year, among the top wages for a university lecturer in the world. Jamie Concannon reports. Read more…
Bryan Grogan examines the phenomenon of Christmas songs: Bah humbug or festive banter? Read more…
Following the release of Run the Jewels 2 and his impassioned social activism, Killer Mike is named The Suss’ Person of the Year. Read more…
Love Actually. This movie brings you nicely into the Christmas season with great intertwining storylines during the run up to Christmas. It also leaves you with the heart-warming message that love is all around. Read more…
The marathon broadcast took place last weekend, smashing the Media Production Society’s €4k target in the process. Read more…
With everyone’s favourite time of year just around the corner, here are a few seasonal drinks if you (like me), can’t wait to get your Christmas on. Pomegranate Martinis: 50 grams of sugar 170 mls Read more…
Some student interns are earning the same level of income as workers on the national minimum wage. Stephen Keegan reports. Read more…
Diversity week, hosted by the Students’ Union took place last week throughout campus from December 1 to December 5.
When it comes to cracking out the bit of sparkle at Christmastime, we are certainly no strangers to the glistening trend. However the downside with this look is that it is extremely easy to go Read more…
The Suss team list their favourite albums, films, books and gigs of the year. Read more…
Dublin tumbles in list of top student cities around the world. Read more…
Christmas Gift ideas for guys: FCUK gift set (for the bearded men): In light of the recent surge of facial hair on men, I think this is a very thoughtful as well as very handy Read more…
We can all agree that college accommodation isn’t exactly like staying at the Hilton. Spending a year in an uncomfortable space isn’t ideal for studying, sleeping or socialising. However, there are cheap, simple ways to Read more…