Student Slingshot takes over Dublin Castle

Last Tuesday, 150 of the country’s top entrepreneurial students met with business leaders and innovators from all over Europe for the first ever Student Slingshot event in Dublin Castle.

Student Slingshot was started by UCD graduate Patrick Guiney five months ago. Its aim is to bring the best and brightest Irish student thinkers together with business leaders to promote student entrepreneurship.

“The idea came about, because we wanted to meet students from colleges across the country from all backgrounds. From there we wanted to redefine how people met individuals from companies all over the world and in Ireland” said Guiney.

Speakers included Barry Andrews, CEO at Goal, Jane McDaid, founder at Thinkhouse and Niall McGarry, creator of

The evening was introduced by Minister for Business and Employment, Gerald Nash.

The event consisted of individual speeches, panel discussions and roundtable sessions led by CEOs, prominent academics and student leaders.

Students were able to engage and ask questions during the roundtable part of the evening, hearing from experts in digital and online marketing, social entrepreneurship and finance investment amongst others.

The panel discussions were engaging, with people such as the creators of Boojum, Google employee Eoghan Phipps, and Olympic rower Paul Donovan adding varied points of view.

Slingshot’s Head of Marketing and Student Engagement, Katie Mannion reflected on the night saying “the students were remarkable. Getting the chance to meet so many inspiring people my age was an absolute pleasure.”

The closing address was given by director at Arthur Cox, Jane Babb who emphasised the importance of consistent hard work and dedication, who said:“Don’t wait for that Eureka moment of expertise, it doesn’t exist.”

Next February the Student Slingshot Academy will launch, teaching the next generation of 10 to 12 year olds the skills and qualities needed to be an entrepreneur.

Alison Ring

Image Credit: Catherine Batstone

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