Esoc Beg, Borrow, Steal raises over €17,000 for charity

Fifty students who are members of DCU’s Enterprise Society set off last Friday in a bid to be the first to reach Edinburgh in the charity excursion: Beg, Borrow, Steal. 

Twenty five teams of two left from the Hub just before 10 on Friday morning with their sights set on Edinburgh. The teams who were in first, second and third position in terms of fund-raising got a 15, 10 and five minute head start respectively from the rest of the teams. The aim of Beg, Borrow, Steal is for the teams involved to make it to Edinburgh without using a cent of their own cash, their transport expenses must be begged, borrowed or stolen (we use the word stolen lightly).

Before arriving in Edinburgh, the teams were required to make it to two different checkpoints. The checkpoints were not made known to the teams until the morning of the race ensuring no participant set up travel plans prior to the race beginning. The first checkpoint that teams had to embark upon was in London’s Trafalgar Square and the second was in Newcastle at the Millennium Bridge

The first team to triumphantly reach the final destination in Edinburgh was comprised of Mark Farrelly and Stephen Gorman or team “Edin-Broz”.

The race is not just about students having fun but is in aid of the Donal Walsh live life Foundation which aims to provide facilities for terminally-ill teenagers and promotes anti-suicide. Thanks to the relentless efforts of the Esoc committee, #BegBorrowSteal trended on Twitter for the majority of the Friday, the team posted updates on the progress of the teams competing frequently on Twitter and Facebook throughout the race.

Initially, participants of Beg, Borrow, Steal aimed to raise €8000 which is a target that they surpassed significantly with the event raising over €17,000. To be eligible to enter the race, each team had to raise at least €50 each for the Donal Walsh Live Life Foundation.

Beg, Borrow, Steal is now into its second year. Last year participants had to race to Cork from DCU.

Katie O’Neill

Image Credit: Aidan Broletti

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