DCU is taking part in the first national College Awareness Week.
The week launched for the first time this year and takes place from November 24th to the 30th.
DCU held a number of events this week to mark College Awareness Week across campus.
DCU’s Access Office held an evening talk called “Let’s talk about college” last Tuesday. This was an information evening for parents and students about applying through the CAO, SUSI grants and applying for the HEAR and DARE schemes.
A workshop that introduces students to coding and computers in college will be held in conjunction with Coder Dojo on Saturday, November 29th.
Transition year students from various secondary schools will visit DCU for a tour, presentation and meeting with student ambassadors on Monday 1st December.
Access Schools Outreach Officer Susan Hawkins will also be visiting secondary schools throughout the month of November.
The goal of the week is to spread the message that going to college is both important and achievable. It celebrates the importance of going to college, and showcases local role models who attended college. It creates a college-going culture and helps students to become ready for college. It also supports the increase in the number of students who attend college.
College Awareness Week is being supported by the Higher Education Authority; the Department of Education and Skills; the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals; the Society of St Vincent de Paul; Institute of Guidance Counselors; and Irish Business and Employers’ Confederation.
St Patrick’s College is taking part in College Awareness Week too. The college will hold a coffee morning on Wednesday, November 26th and a colouring competition on the 27th.
Laura Colgan
Image Credit: Aidan Broletti