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Zuckerberg’s Live Aid

October 16, 2014

Facebook have launched a new feature that allows people to check if their loved ones are safe when they are in or near areas of natural disaster. Read more…

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National News

DCU student receives Undergraduate Award

October 15, 2014

Fourth year student Diego Garailde won the award for his final year thesis entitled “Measuring the Effects of Gaming Principles on the Productivity and Motivation of College Students”. Read more…

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Love/Hate: A breath of fresh, Irish air

October 15, 2014

Ireland’s favourite gangsters returned for the first episode of their final season on Sunday, October 4th. Apart from introducing new characters, new plotlines and setting us all up for what looks like a brilliant climax, Read more…

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One-line reviews

October 15, 2014

The Suss’s arts editorial team gives succinct and (sometimes hopefully) humorous reviews of some of the more newsworthy events in entertainment. Read more…

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Náisiúnta – foinse dóchais

October 15, 2014

Is cuimhneach go maith le hachan iriseoir Gaelach an lá a fhógraíodh go gcuirfí deireadh le maoiniú do chuid mhaith foilsiúcháin Ghaelacha, ar líne, agus i gcló, Gaelport agus An tUltach san áireamh. Lá dorcha Read more…

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DCU News

The purple elephant on campus

October 15, 2014

An anti-stigma campaign was launched by the Students’ Union this week to get students talking about mental health. Eve Kerton, DCU’s Welfare Officer, launched the campaign and said “mental illness is not wrong. It is Read more…

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Students Can Effect Change

October 15, 2014

Our Students Union was once an undemocratic organisation, however this is changing for the better. Get involved and continue to make it so. Read more…