As it happened: Class Rep Council 7 abandoned due to lack of numbers

18:06 Class Rep Council 7 is starting in QG13 soon. Topics include introducing microwaves on campus for commuting students and adding more books to the library, while Young Fine Gael will propose that the CRC is ‘out of touch’. The council will also discuss the Labyrinth (which some people say looks like an “adopted religious symbol”) and whether students want such a structure on campus.

18:12 CRC needs 32 class reps present before it can go ahead. There’s currently around 20 here.

18:15 If not enough reps turn up, motions will be discussed but nothing will be voted on.

18:20 Chairman Eolann Kitteringham requests those in attendance contact missing reps to see if they can come to the meeting so it can go ahead.

18:21 CRC will count reps again at 18:30.

18:25 Kitteringham proposes an emergency council meeting be held next week if tonight’s cannot go ahead as important issues need to be discussed.

18:31 Kitteringham is forced to abandon tonight’s council. There will be an emergency council tomorrow instead at 13:00.

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