Food for thought

It might only be the start of the semester but it is never too early to start fresh and make changes for the better. Weeks of study and exams can be mentally exhausting, so here are a few simple additions to your diet to get your head fighting fit again.

Oily fish:

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are great natural sources of omega 3 fats or essential fatty acids. These fats are key in maintaining both a healthy body and mind and in aiding healthy brain function. It also helps to decrease the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease later in life. As fresh fish can sometimes be expensive, the tinned versions are cheap and equally nutritious.


Fruit and veg:

It might seem like an obvious suggestion to make, but certain types are particularly good for your brain’s health. For example, broccoli is jam-packed with vitamin K which promotes cognitive function and research has suggested that blueberries can improve short term memory loss.


And appreciate it.

Whole grains:

Like any other part of the body, your brain needs energy to function. Wholegrain foods provide the body with slow release energy meaning the body has a steady supply throughout the day, key to helping maintain concentration. Try swapping your usual white bread and pasta for the healthier brown versions to make a small but significant change to your diet.



How do you expect to think straight if you are dehydrated? Try to drink at least 2 litres a day for general well being as well as for healthy brain function.


The following recipe is cheap, easy, and will boost brain functioning for the upcoming busy semester:

Three Ingredient Gluten Free Pancakes

Ingredients (serves 1):

▪   1 1/2 large ripe to overripe bananas (don’t use too much banana or the pancake won’t hold)

▪   2 eggs

▪   1/8 teaspoon baking powder

Maple syrup, butter, blueberries, to serve (optional)


1. Whisk the eggs in a bowl.

2. Mash the bananas in a separate bowl with a fork. Make sure not to mash them too much or they won’t be light and fluffy when cooked.

3. Stir in the eggs and baking powder and mix well.

4. Cook on a pan on a medium to low heat for a couple of minutes, flip when the baking powder kicks in and the pancakes start to rise.

5. Serve and enjoy!

By Sharon McGowan


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