Cork students bid to break ‘selfie’ record

Students from Cork Institute of Technology last week braved the elements in a bid to create a 21st century Guinness World Record.

The 229-strong group posed for the camera as they attempted to create the world record for the most ‘selfies’ taken in the same place at the same time.

Despite all taking photographs of themselves, their efforts were not in vain as they helped raise vital funds for charity.

Unfortunately, their designated day coincided with one of the worst periods the country has seen for some time weather-wise.

Met Éireann had issued a ‘status red’ warning for Cork and Kerry on the day and student Gary O’Leary described how “the weather definitely took its toll on attendance but it was a great experience for all involved”.

Strict terms and conditions were imposed for all participants, as is the norm with record-breaking attempts. They included:

Each person had to be seated and their faces taken in portrait style; only one participant was counted per photo; blurred photos weren’t counted and each participant had to have their own camera.

Officials at the Guinness Book of World Records will assess their application once information and video evidence is compiled. It usually takes 12 weeks for the company to revert with a decision.  If the bid was successful, the students will become the largest group to have ever ‘mass-selfied’.

The project was backed by the economics department, particularly economics lecturer Sinead Huskisson. “The beneficiaries are based in a country with a GDP per capita lower than that of Ireland”, she explained. The charity to benefit is yet to be confirmed.

The word ‘Selfie’ was bestowed with the honour of being the Oxford Dictionaries’ ‘Word of the Year’ in 2013.

Chaitanya Brady

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