SIPTU to represent students in part-time employment

Aaron Clogher and Ciaran O’Connor represented DCU Students’ Union at the Union of Students in Ireland’s National Council in Athlone earlier this month.

The main event at the council was a new agreement reached between the USI and SIPTU concerning students who are in part-time employment, according to USI President Joe O’Connor.

“If a student in part-time employment experiences workplace conflict they can be represented by Siptu,” O’Connor explained, adding: “For any student in part-time employment that needs support, there are free-phone services.”

Clogher said he had a positive experience at the meeting, describing how “there is a willingness to work with us, regardless of whether we are in or out… I think we are well thought of, certainly better thought of than I would have expected.”

He went on to say: “Whether you’re a member of that union or you’re not, the union is there to represent all students in the country.”

DCU SU, who are not affiliated with the USI, were invited as guests to the National Council along with other unaffiliated SUs, including University of Limerick SU.

The Council had a varied agenda, with working groups in sections such as entertainment, marketing and education on Friday evening and Saturday morning, followed by the main discussion on policies by members of the USI on Saturday evening.

The National Council is held every five to six weeks, with each union in the USI represented by one voting member. It is held in affiliated third-level institutions, with each member SU bidding to host the meeting.

Cormac O’Shea

Image Credit: USI

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