CRC seeks removal of banner advertising Bank of Ireland

Student representatives at last week’s Class Rep Council meeting passed a motion authorising the Students’ Union to seek the removal of the large Bank of Ireland poster at the front of The Henry Grattan building.

The Council believes “the banner has acted sufficiently in advertising to students the presence of the bank within DCU since the beginning of this academic year.”

A recent report by The College View saw the bank defend its presence on campus. Hazel Nestor of BOI stated that “DCU’s Estates Office had invited the bank to place the banner on the building.”

The branch was officially launched last Wednesday, showcasing its new open-front layout and student friendly financial facilities.

BOI Chief Executive, Richie Boucher; Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn; and DCU President, Brian MacCraith were amongst those in attendance.

Speaking at the opening, Boucher said: “Our investment in DCU reaffirms our focus on developing lifelong relationships with customers at important times in their lives and we are very excited about the opportunity to offer financial support and advice to students and staff in DCU.”

MacCraith, also welcomed the investment. “We are very pleased that BOI has chosen DCU as the location for its cutting-edge, concept branch.”

The bank is the latest addition to the branch network and is a completely new design in campus banking.

The branch features include browsing space and a designed digital gateway wall where customers and staff can handle banking 365 transactions and explore solutions to other phone and internet banking queries.

DCU is one of thirteen campus branches in Ireland and DCU Branch Manager, Bernadette Linnane is pleased with the response BOI DCU has received from its customers.

“We have had a terrific response from students and staff and the design of the new premises has created a very open and welcoming environment. DCU students love the technology but also the fact that our staff are very accessible and that the branch is inviting and comfortable,” she said.

Elaine Carroll

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