A DCU student has described how the Movember campaign is raising awareness amongst male staff and students at DCU who “aren’t the best at opening up or even going to the doctor”.
Global Business and German student Garvan McVerry is one of many DCU students taking part in the movement, which encourages participants to grow a moustache in order to raise awareness for men’s health issues, this November.
As the movement has become established in recent years, McVerry feels the process of growing some additional facial hair has been made easier. ”Apart from looking like a bit of a creeper it hasn’t been too bad, it’s become popular enough now that most people know why you’re doing it, which is great.”
Funds raised by Movember here in Ireland continue to fund vital services including the Irish Cancer Society’s information service which provides up-to-date and accurate information, advice and support for anyone concerned about cancer.
Ridiculous raffles and coffee mornings have already been held on campus to raise funds for the cause, while Style Soc are also running a ‘Most Stylish Mo’ competition.
You can donate to the cause by visiting the DCU community page on: http://ie.movember.com/team/1212221
Megan Roantree
Image Credit: Flickr Via Creative Commons