
UCD students vote for a smoke-free campus

October 9, 2013

UCD students have voted in favour of making their campus a smoke-free zone, however their Students’ Union Equality and Welfare Officer is not sure whether the ban can be implemented. Trinity College are said to be considering a similar move, as Laura Colgan reports. Read more…


Toxic Tuesday too toxic

October 9, 2013

Many still call for the return of the SU-run student nightclub night, Toxic Tuesday, but did the night live up to it’s name? Sean Cassidy argues it was time to call it a day. Read more…


Digital footprints could make students unemployable

October 9, 2013

Students could be making themselves unemployable, a social media expert has told the inaugural conference of the Education and Training Boards Ireland. Emily Bodkin warns students of the potential dangers and advises on how these can be avoided. Read more…

DCU News

President Higgins’ DCU speech sparks debate

October 9, 2013

President Michael D Higgins delivered an ‘Ethics for all’ lecture at DCU last month, in which he commented on the nature of Ireland’s education system and the need for social good to be at the core of political decision-making. His speech has sparked debate amongst those who feel he is crossing the lines out of a President’s brief. Read more…


Why you should vote YES in the Seanad referendum

October 2, 2013

Lecturer of Politics at DCU’s School of Law and Government, Dr Eoin O’Malley argues for a ‘Yes’ vote in the forthcoming referendum proposing to abolish Seanad Éireann. He believes reform is worse needed in Dáil Éireann than in the Seanad, which he believes doesn’t justify it’s own existence. Read more…


Why you should vote NO in the Seanad referendum

October 2, 2013

Head of the School of Law and Government Prof Gary Murphy is a member of Democracy Matters, the civil society group advocating for a NO vote in the forthcoming referendum, which proposees to abolish Seanad Éireann. He argues that a NO vote is in this case a vote to reform and modernise Ireland’s second house. Read more…