Students bare chill for RAG Underwear Mile
Some forty brave DCU students took part in the recent RAG Underwear Mile, which saw them run around campus clad in boxers and briefs in aid of RAG’s social projects. Read more…
Some forty brave DCU students took part in the recent RAG Underwear Mile, which saw them run around campus clad in boxers and briefs in aid of RAG’s social projects. Read more…
Thosaigh an féile Gaeilge, an tOireachtas, sa bhliain 1897 agus tá sé fós ar siúl inniu, agus é ag dul ó neart go neart. Read more…
Le déanaí ritheadh rún sa Seanad d’aon ghuth ag iarraidh ar an rialtas aitheantas a thabhairt do Teanga Chomharthaíochta na hÉireann. Read more…
Nósanna an t-aos óg i dtaobh an alcól sa lá atá inniu ann Read more…
Is é bándearg an dath a d’úsáid Vera Wang ina feisteas brídeoige le haghaidh fómhar 2014. Read more…
DCU’s senior soccer team maintained their 100% league record on Wednesday with a 5-2 victory over Jordanstown. Read more…
Real life stories told on the big screen, Emily Bodkin takes us through her list of the top performances in biopics. Read more…
Orange is the New Black is another of those TV shows that will encourage the practice of sitting on your bum until you’ve devoured the entire first series, as Aisling Murphy tells us. Read more…
Wearable tech, what’s it all about? Michael Cogley explores where the latest trend in the tech industry taking us? Read more…
There’s a change of pace about FIFA 14 that can be a little jarring at first. Those long-used, run-and-gun attacks up the centre of the pitch so beloved by FIFA players are met here with Read more…
Ryan Foynes gives us the lowdown on Pearl Jam’s latest offering. Read more…
Old school prison movie Escape Plan, yet again teams up Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Is it worth the hype? Definitely, according to Clarissa Waldron.
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Is Britney back for good this time? Suzanne Cooper charts the highs and lows of this pop princess’ career. Read more…
Whether you’re a full blown Tinder addict or only just catching on, old fashioned human vanity is the order of the day on this dating app. Rachel Dowdall gives us the rundown. Read more…
Breaking Bad v Dexter: the season finales. Cal McGhee on why the recent Breaking Bad season finale completely eclipsed that of Dexter. Read more…
Why do so many young people not vote? It’s a question asked before, and The College View investigates why. Read more…
What do students face when applying for Erasmus? Read more…
Budget 2014 brought in harsh cuts to the Jobseeker’s Benefit social welfare allowance for those under-26 and young people and their represenatatives are kicking up a fuss, report Theresa Newman and Finnian Curran. Read more…
An Taoiseach Enda Kenny was on campus recently to launch the new Family Business Centre. While at DCU, he also visited the Volunteer Expo and commented on the benefits of volunteering. Read more…
How did Budget 2014 affect you? Theresa Newman reports on a cut which will affect several students and young people – a reduction in the dole or Jobseekers Allowance. Read more…
A 10c excise was placed on the price of alcohol in Budget 2014, but those who called for a minimum price to be placed on alcohol believe this won’t go far enough, as Ruth Marnell reports. Read more…
One student talks about their run in with catfishing, where anonymous users online pretend to be someone else entirely. Read more…
Budget 2014 announced changes to the Medical Card system and a hike in the cost of Medical Card prescriptions – DCU’s health services are not in a position to cater for Medical Card students however, as Theresa Newman reports. Read more…
Over 3,000 Irish women are diagnosed with Breast Cancer each year, so it is vital young females take good care of their bodies. Read more…
It takes three weeks of relentless routine for something to become a habit. Take a look at our 30 thoughts for 30 days for a new outlook on life. Read more…