There are not many channels where a show like ‘Mastermind’ can be immediately followed by ‘The Dating Show’ and feature updates of a homemade ‘Big Brother’ but that’s just a small section of the shows which featured on DCUtv’s third annual 24-hour broadcast. The live broadcast took place from midnight on Friday April 19th to midnight on Saturday April 20th.
The entire event was filmed live and broadcast on the DCU MPS website, dcumps.com. The broadcast was entirely student-produced and contained such originally-written gems as Cookin’ Cupcakes, DCU Banter, Bubbles, Anchorman News, Lincoln Talks, Puppet Show, Face the Clock and DCUtv Pranks.
The broadcast is entirely run by volunteers and the only body who profits from it is the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’, the charity chosen to be this year’s benefactor. DCU MPS tried to make as many wishes as possible come true and their myCharity link got a lot of hits. The total raised wasn’t known at the time of going to print but last year MPS raised €2,500 for Temple Street Children’s Hospital.
The broadcast featured its very own version of ‘Big Brother’ this year, in which the six participants stayed together in C103, with cameras recording everything they said. Throughout the night there were challenges, some more obvious than others. A guitar proved more of a challenge than a distraction to the inmates after a couple of hours.
Ciaran O’Connor, DCU FM Station Manager, is a 24-hour broadcast veteran yet said this year was special. “It was indicative of the talents and enthusiasm of MPS that as well as the 24-hour broadcast there was also our very own version of big brother running simultaneously which required a different team, a different set-up and a different approach. All in all it showed the many facets of MPS”, he said.
The new campus branch of Bank of Ireland pledged a €500 trailfinders voucher towards the broadcast and MPS used it to get as many people involved as possible – they awarded it to the best video submitted on the topic of where you would go if you won the voucher.
Eimear Phelan
Image Credit: DCU MPS
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