DCU Graduation days move to the weekend

DCU graduation ceremonies will now take place on the Friday and Saturday of November’s reading week.

The registry made the decision to change the days from Monday and Tuesday to Friday and Saturday because of traffic and on campus congestion problems.

Registry Director, Phylomena McMorrow, said the decision was made at recent meetings after problems arose from previous ceremonies.

Speaking to The College View, McMorrow said: “The change could really enhance the experience of the graduations, for those graduating and those attending in relation to congestion and parking.”

She continued: “Graduates have actually said it would suit better to hold the ceremonies on Friday and Saturday, feedback from guests also indicated this.”

The registry held a review in February and the decision was made and put into affect for the coming graduation ceremonies in November.

Over 3,500 people are expected to attend the ceremonies on both days and the registry is hoping the excitement and atmosphere will remain.

Mc Morrow said: “Graduations on Mondays and Tuesdays were always during reading week so it’s never full activity, we will continue to hold them during reading week…I think the atmosphere will not be hindered as a result of a change in days.”

This year’s graduation ceremonies will take place on the 8th and 9th of November.

Gill Fitzsimons

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