Voting suspended in DCU referendums

Voting in the USI and Reproductive Rights referendums have been provisionally suspended until tomorrow due to technical issues with ISS.

At an emergency Class Rep Council held this afternoon, class reps voted to allow the electoral committee to suspend voting after a power surge in ISS caused servers to crash on campus. The online polling system used at polling stations meant the electoral committee couldn’t regsiter students when they voted.

The electoral committee have provisionally deferred voting until tomorrow and will decide what action they will take after speaking with ISS.

Meanwhile in UCD, students have voted to disaffiliate from the Union of Students in Ireland. In a statement, USI President and former UCD student, John Logue said he recognises UCD’s unique circumstances and financial difficulties, however he regrets that USI officers weren’t allowed on campus during the campaign.

Logue said; ” As a result of this, I feel that students were not granted the opportunity to hear the full case for continuing membership of their national union.”

UCD will not be officially disaffiliated from the USI until one year after UCD have notified the USI of its intention to disaffiliate.

Spokesperson for the no campaign in UCD, John McGahon welcomed the result and believes the result will lead to reform in the USI; “Through our actions in UCD today we have made a valuable contribution to USI to convey that the biggest university in Ireland is unhappy with the organisation. From this, we will build a stronger student movement.”

Aoife Mullen

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