Students’ Union to launch online ticket facility

The Students’ Union is developing a new online system where students can buy tickets for events held on campus through the DCU SU website.

In their bi-annual activity report, published in December, it said: “We feel this is a huge development for the SU as students will be able to purchase tickets from their phones, it will also be good for us to see at a glance what events are selling well and what events are not.”

It is hoped that the system will be launched this semester.

DCU SU President, Paul Doherty described the reopening of the old bar as “a huge tick on the box for the SU this year”. The bar reopened its doors on October 2nd and since then has hosted an array of events, including the Battle of the Bands.

In the report the SU  claimed it has helped “hundreds of students” so far this year.

Education officer, Aaron Clogher said “we’ve helped students with academic issues, especially in areas such as the appeals process and extenuating circumstances. We talk students through all the different registry forms and act as a medium when you need the issue brought to the relevant personnel of a unit or department”.

Welfare officer, Neil Collins has worked with the Counselling Service and Inter-Faith centre to help students deal with pressures from relationships and home life situations.

“It has made me really happy that people feel comfortable coming to me when they have worries, queries or problems they need help with. We all work very closely with the staff of the Inter-Faith centre, the Health centre and the Counselling Service, with the students’ best interests at mind.”

The Union also announced the various charities it will be working with for the coming year: Headstrong, Cycle 4 life and Temple Street Hospital.

Headstrong, a national organisation dedicated to mental health in young Irish people, will be the flagship charity and 50% of all funds raised will go directly towards this cause.

Gill Fitzsimons

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