Review: Biffy Clyro – Opposites

Recording a double-album is, by anyone’s standards, an audacious move. Opposites is the colossal new 20-track LP by Biffy Clyro and it’s a statement that articulates Simon Neil and co.’s belief that they now have musical genius of such elegance and exquisiteness which a regular-sized album is simply incapable of containing. This record is a risk which, if backfires, could potentially be a lower point than having “Many of Horror” covered by Matt Cardle.

Thankfully for Biffy Clyro, their blushes will have been put on hold as this, their sixth studio album, proves worthy of its second CD. The first disk is entitled “The Sand At The Core Of Our Bones” and it deals with gloomy matters (alcoholism and depression to name but two) impressed on the band members in recent years.

The second, “The Land At The End Of Our Toes”, is lyrically an exceedingly more upbeat CD; the focus being on the progression to a brighter future.

Without having much of an instant impact, Opposites becomes slightly infectious when revisited a number of times. Tracks such as “Trumpet or Tap”, “Biblical” and current single “Black Chandelier” prove that Biffy Clyro can produce quality rock.

It’s all very safe, though. The majority of the 78-minute album consists of emphatic, resonant but unimaginative stadium anthems; it’s as if the Kilmarnock trio are desperate to become the Foo Fighters of Scotland.
A cringeworthy and unnecessary ode to the Highlands, the use of bagpipes on CD2’s opener “Stingin’ Belle” is the low point. Let’s leave the Scottish nationalism in pop culture to Braveheart, shall we?

Rating: 3/5

Eoin Sheahan

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