Griffith college to waive fees for students accommodating international students

Griffith College will offer its students the chance to offset their fees if they provide suitable board and accommodation for foreign students.

The scheme, which will be available in Griffith’s Dublin, Cork and Limerick campuses, would see the €5,000 student fees waived for those who host an international student.

The Irish students could host their international counterparts in their own homes or in the homes of relatives, as long as they are within a suitable distance from the college.

President of the college, Diarmuid Hegarty noted the pressure that people are under to fund third level education.  He said: “We are conscious that these are difficult economic times for Irish families. The new scheme will provide more opportunities for Irish students to attend the college while offering international students a unique living experience during their time in Ireland”.

He added however that the initiative should also serve as a cultural experience. “I would think what will happen from this is that Irish students will form relationships with the international student who is staying there.”

The college says that it will vet each family to ensure that they can provide suitable accommodation for international students. Families that apply to host students will be subject to Garda vetting to determine their appropriateness.

 Sean Defoe

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